Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Album of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the Film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The Album of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the Film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
  • Jeunesse (1961) Anthony Mawer [perf. Hilversum Radio Orchestra cond. Hugo de Groot, 1963 album “Mood Mediterranean” (De Wolfe DW/LP 2797)] (Introduction)
  • Honours List (1972) Keith Papworth [1972 album “City Scene” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3242)] (Introduction Part 2)
  • Trigger Happy (1967) Keith Papworth [perf. London Studio Group cond. Jack Trombey, 1967 album “Checkpoint” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3022)] (‘Bring Me the Head of Don Revie’ soundtrack)
  • The Big Country (1965) Keith Papworth [perf. International Studio Orchestra cond. Hugh Granville, 1971 album “Pastoral Music” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3188)] (The titles come to an end)
  • Homeward Bound (1970) Jack Trombey [perf. International Studio Orchestra, 1970 album “Fourteen Pictorial Sketches for Orchestra No. 2” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3171)] (Constitutional Peasants)
  • *God Choir (1975) Neil Innes (“The Lady of the Lake. . .”)
  • Homeward Bound (1970) Jack Trombey [perf. International Studio Orchestra, 1970 album “Fourteen Pictorial Sketches for Orchestra No. 2” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3171)] (Witch Burning)
  • *Fanfare (1975) Neil Innes (Camelot)
  • *Camelot Song (Knights of the Round Table) (1975) Neil Innes, lyr. Graham Chapman, John Cleese [perf. Fred Tomlinson Singers et al.] (Camelot Song)
  • *God Choir (1975) Neil Innes (Arthur and God)
  • Homeward Bound (1970) Jack Trombey [perf. International Studio Orchestra, 1970 album “Fourteen Pictorial Sketches for Orchestra No. 2” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3171)] (Arthur rides off; French Castle)
  • Jeunesse (1961) Anthony Mawer [perf. Hilversum Radio Orchestra cond. Hugo de Groot, 1963 album “Mood Mediterranean” (De Wolfe DW/LP 2797)] (Announcement; Apology)
  • *Sunrise Music (1975) Neil Innes (Story So Far)
  • Magic Finger (1967) Keith Papworth [perf. London Studio Group cond. Jack Trombey, 1967 album “Checkpoint” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3022)] (“The real story of the film so far”)
  • *‘The Tale of. . .’ fanfare (1975) Neil Innes(?) (‘The Tale of Sir Robin’)
  • *Sir Robin’s Song (Brave Sir Robin) Pt. 1 (1975) Neil Innes, lyr. Eric Idle [perf. Neil Innes et al.] (Brave Sir Robin)
  • In the Shadows No. 2 (from ‘The Blood Beast Terror’) (1968) Paul Ferris [perf. London Studio Orchestra cond. Paul Ferris, 1970 album “Strange Location” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3150)] (Sir Robin approaches Three-Headed Knight)
  • *Untitled dramatic sting 1 (1975) Neil Innes (Three-Headed Knight)
  • Desperate Moment (c.1954-56) Kenneth Essex [perf. Celebrity Symphony Orchestra, c.1954-56 album (De Wolfe DW 2551)] (“Yes, it was the dreaded Three-Headed Knight!”)
  • *Sir Robin’s Song (Brave Sir Robin) Pt. 2 (1975) Neil Innes, lyr. Eric Idle [perf. Neil Innes et al.] (Brave Sir Robin ran away)
  • *Knights of Ni (1975) Neil Innes (The Knights Who Say “Ni!”)
  • *Untitled dramatic sting 2 (1975) Neil Innes (“A shrubbery!”)
  • Homeward Bound (1970) Jack Trombey [perf. International Studio Orchestra, 1970 album “Fourteen Pictorial Sketches for Orchestra No. 2” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3171)] (Arthur and Bedevere find the shrubbery)
  • *Untitled dramatic sting 3 (1975) Neil Innes (“. . .another shrubbery!”; “. . .a herring!”)
  • Circle of Danger (early 1950s) Bryan Holmes [perf. Celebrity Symphony Orchestra, early 1950s album (De Wolfe DW 2510)] (Marilyn Monroe)
  • *Untitled minstrel tune (1975) Neil Innes (Wedding music)
  • Love Theme (from ‘Curse of the Crimson Altar’) (1968) Peter Knight [perf. London Studio Orchestra cond. Peter Knight, 1970 album “Strange Location” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3150)] (“I’d rather just sing!”)
  • Magenta (1972) Roger Webb [1972 album “Synthesis (Music for Strings)” (De Wolfe DWLP 3234)] (“. . .a certain special something.”)
  • Starlet in the Starlight (c.1957-59) Kenneth Essex [perf. De Wolfe Ensemble cond. Walter Warren, 1950s album (De Wolfe DW 2622)] (“And no singing!”)
  • *Knights of Ni (1975) Neil Innes (Tim the Enchanter)
  • *Monks’ Chant 2 (1975) Neil Innes; lyrics from ‘Dies Irae’ (c.13th century) trad. [sung by Neil Innes et al.] (Monks bring the Holy Hand Grenade)
  • *God Choir (1975) Neil Innes (Arthur throws Holy Hand Grenade)
  • Jeunesse (1961) Anthony Mawer [perf. Hilversum Radio Orchestra cond. Hugo de Groot, 1963 album “Mood Mediterranean” (De Wolfe DW/LP 2797)] (Announcement Part 2)
  • The Promised Land (1966) Stanley Black [perf. International Studio Orchestra, 1966 album “The Music of Stanley Black” (De Wolfe DW/LP 2977)] (End of Quest)
  • Also listed in some versions: New Fanfare No. 6 (1971) Reg Tilsley [perf. Tilsley Orchestral, 1971 album “Wheel of Fortune” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3210)]
2006 bonus tracks (2 unused songs from the film and excerpted audio from the 2001 documentary ‘The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations’):
  • *Arthur’s Song (1975) Neil Innes (Arthur’s Song)
  • ? [original?] (“Danger: unsafe masonry”)
  • *Untitled Parker composition 4 (1995) Elizabeth Parker (Castle Anthrax, “Hello, hello, hello. . .”)
  • *God Choir (1975) Neil Innes (“It is the magic of film and the film of magic”)
  • *Run Away Song (1975) Neil Innes (Run Away Song)

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