Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Episode 9: The Ant, an Introduction

Episode 9: The Ant, an Introduction (1969)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (Titles)
  • *La Llama (1969) Monty Python; based upon ‘Granada’ (1932) Agustín Lara [perf. Eric Idle, Terry Jones, & John Cleese] (Llamas)
  • La Marseillaise (1792) Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle; arr. unknown [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Lt. Col. F.J. Harris, 1958 album “National Anthems of the World” (Decca LK 4282)] (A man with a tape recorder up his nose/brother’s nose)
  • *The Lumberjack Song (1969) Fred Tomlinson, Michael Palin, Terry Jones [sung by Michael Palin, The Fred Tomlinson Singers, John Cleese, & Graham Chapman with Jennifer Partridge on piano] (Lumberjack Song)
  • Three Romantic Finales, No. 3 - True to the End (1955) Van Phillips [1960 album (Impress IA 271)] (Rubber Mac of Zurich Award)
  • **Make Believe (from ‘Show Boat’) (1927) Jerome Kern, lyr. Oscar Hammerstein II [sung by Graham Chapman] (Prof. R.J. Gumby)
  • I Love You Samantha (from ‘High Society’) (1956) Cole Porter; arr. (1966) Dudley Moore [perf. Dudley Moore Trio, 1966 album “Genuine Dud" (Decca LK 4788)] (Nightclub)
  • Banjoreno (1926) Henry Clifford [perf. Dixieland Jug Blowers, 1967 album “Jugs, Washboards, & Kazoos” (RCA RD-7893), orig. recorded 1926] (Brian Islam and Brucie)
  • Waltzing Trumpets (c.1962) Denzil Stephens [perf. Fairey Band cond. Harry Mortimer, 1969 album “Melodious Brass (EMI CSD 3668)”] (Hunting film)
  • Ad Lib (1969) Peter Reno (Peter Taylor & Cliff Twemlow) [perf. Studio Group, 1969 album “Quartet of Modern Jazz” (De Wolfe DW/LP 3107)] (Victor and Iris’s record)
  • The Washington Post (1889) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1968 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca LK 4910)] (Record Arthur Name plays)
  • **Ding Dong! Merrily on High (1589) Thoinot Arbeau (orig. ‘Branle de l’Official’); lyr. (1924) George Ratcliffe Woodward [sung by Fred Tomlinson Singers, John Cleese, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, & Michael Palin with Fred Tomlinson on piano] (“Let’s have a ding-dong!”)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (End credits)

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Table of Contents

Flying Circus Series 1 (1969-70) 1. Whither Canada? 2. Sex and Violence 3. How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way ...