Monday, February 26, 2024

Euroshow ‘71

Euroshow ‘71: May Day Special (lost original soundtrack)

  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (Titles)
  • Greensleeves (16th C.) trad.; arr. (1969) John Fiddy [perf. London Moods Orchestra cond. John Fiddy, 1969 album “Thames” (Polydor 583 064)] (Opening)
  • ? [perf. Jack Emblow] (Accordion, maypole dance)
  • Military Two Step (medley) (1969) Jim Johnstone [perf. Jim Johnstone and His Band, 1969 album “Heather Medley” (Music for Pleasure MFP 1317)] (A sociologist)
  • Court Dance No. 2 (1969) Pat Shaw [perf. Folk Dance Ensemble, 1969 album “Classical Idiom Vol. 2 (Small Group)” (Chappell CIS 5012)] (Fish slapping dance)
  • Permutazioni a Cinque (1958) Mátyás Seiber [perf. London Wind Quintet, 1962 album “Wind Quintets” (Argo RG 326)] (Gavotte of the Long John Silvers)
  • Ride of the Valkyries (from ‘Die Walküre’) (1856) Richard Wagner [perf. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra cond. Wilhelm Furtwängler, 1959 album “Furtwängler and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra play the Ride of the Valkyries and Dance of the Apprentices” (HMV 7P 206)] (Batley Townswomen’s Guild)
  • Oranges and Lemons (c.1744) trad.; arr. in medley “The City” (1969) John Fiddy [perf. London Moods Orchestra cond. John Fiddy, 1969 album “Thames” (Polydor 583 064)] (City of London)
  • Cock o’ the North (c.1816) trad.; arr. unknown [perf. Band of the Royal Military School of Music, 1958 album “Regimental Marches of the British Army” (Columbia 33SX 1104)] (Spring Dance of the Futures Brokers)
  • Charmaine (from ‘What Price Glory?’) (1926) Ernö Rapée, Lew Pollack; arr. (1951) Ronald Binge [perf. Mantovani & His Orchestra, 1955 album “An Album in Waltz Time” (Decca LK 4105)] (Football)
  • Jerusalem (1916) Sir Hubert Parry; arr. unknown [perf. Frank Chacksfield & His Orchestra, 1962 album “In Praise of God” (Ace of Clubs ACL 1088)] (Ending)

Note: The soundtrack of this special was remade in 1999 for its inclusion in Python Night - 30 Years of Monty Python.

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