Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Life of Brian (album)

Life of Brian (album) (1979)
  • **Hava Nagila (1918) Abraham Zevi Idelsohn and/or Moshe Nathanson; arr. (1979) unknown [perf. on bagpipe by unknown] (Introduction)
  • *Brian Song (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, lyr. Michael Palin [perf. Sonia Jones et al.] (Brian Song)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 2 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“We worship you, O Brian. . .”)
  • *Brian Song (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, lyr. Michael Palin [perf. Sonia Jones et al.] (Brian Song Pt. 2)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 7 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“Have I got a big nose, Mum?”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 8 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“He was a Roman, Brain.”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 9 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“Promised me the known world, he did. . .”)
  • Caesar’s Entry (A) (1979) Trevor Jones (John Du Prez) [1979 album “Horror, Dramatic, Romantic, Fanfares, Chords and Historical” (Ready Music LPBL 104)] (Link to Revolutionaries in the Ampitheatre)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 11 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (Brian writes “Romanes eunt domus”)
  • Vision de frayeur (Vision of Fear) (1968) Edward Michael [1968 album “Quatorze esquisses pittoresques pour orchestre” (Fourteen Pictorial Sketches for Orchestra) (De Wolfe DW/LP 3095)] (Links out of “Romans Go Home” and “What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us?”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 21 (Chase theme 3) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (Prophets)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 20 (Chase theme 2) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“Brian is on the run from the Romans. . .”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 13 (Sting 1) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“Aw, get off!”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 27 (Main theme 4) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (Brian finds Simon)
  • **Hava Nagila (1918) Abraham Zevi Idelsohn and/or Moshe Nathanson [sung by Terry Jones] (Simon sings)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 28 (1979) Geoffrey Burgon; possibly based upon ‘Requiem in D minor, Mvt. IIIa: Dies irae’ (1791) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (“An unbeliever!”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 33 (Roman theme 4) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (Fanfare to Pilate’s address)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 35 (Chase theme 4) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“Release Brian!”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 38 (Crucifixion theme 4) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (PFJ walk to crucifixion site)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 37 (Crucifixion theme 3) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (PFJ reach crucifixion site)
  • **For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow (c.1709) trad. [sung by John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Terence Bayler, Charles McKeown, and 1 unknown] (PFJ sing)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 39 (Sting 7) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (“You bastards!”)
  • *Untitled Burgon composition 43 (Main theme 5) (1979) Geoffrey Burgon (Mandy speaks to Brian at the cross)
  • *Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (1979) Eric Idle; arr. John Altman [perf. Eric Idle, Fred Tomlinson Singers et al. cond. John Altman] (Always Look on the Bright Side of Life)
2006 bonus tracks (deleted scenes, demos, and radio ads):
  • *Otto Song (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, John Du Prez [perf. Fred Tomlinson Singers et al.] (Otto Song)
  • *Otto Song (Demo) (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, John Du Prez [perf. the Pythons] (Otto Song Demo)
  • *Brian Song (Alternate Version) (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, lyr. Michael Palin [perf. Sonia Jones et al.] (Brian Song Alternate Version)
  • *Brian Song (1979) André Jacquemin, Dave Howman, lyr. Michael Palin [perf. Sonia Jones et al.] (Radio Ad: Twice as Good)
  • *Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (1979) Eric Idle, arranged by John Altman [perf. Eric Idle, Fred Tomlinson Singers et al. cond. John Altman] (Radio Ad: Twice as Good)

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