Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Episode 2: Sex and Violence

Episode 2: Sex and Violence (1969)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (Titles)
  • **The Bells of Saint Mary’s (1917) A. Emmett Adams [hummed by Terry Jones] (Musical mice) 
  • Composite of soundtracks from ‘Toonerville Trolley’ (1936), ‘Parrotville Old Folks’ (1935), ‘Rag Dog’ (1935), ‘Grandfather’s Clock’ (1934) Winston Sharples [orig. from Van Beuren, composited by pirate TV distributor Astra TV for their 1950s “Whimseyland” package of bootlegged cartoons] (The Wacky Queen)
  • Mrs. MacLeod of Raasay (18th C.) Sir Alexander MacDonald(?) [unidentified recording]  (“A Scotsman on a Horse” bagpipe)
  • Oboe Concerto No. 3, Mvt. IV (c.1704-05) George Frideric Handel [perf. Collegium Musicum Londinii cond. John Minchinton, 1964 album “Handel: Concerti and Sonata” (Saga XID 5236)] (‘The Epilogue’)
  • 6 Fanfares, No. 3 (c.1957-59) Joseph Cacciola [c.1957-59 album (Synchro FM 149)] (“AND NOW MUSIC…”)
  • ? (‘The Kiss’ flute)
  • Symphony No. 1, Mvt. IV (1895) Sergei Rachmaninoff [perf. Leningrad State Philharmonic Society Symphony Orchestra cond. Kurt Sanderling, 1964 album “Symphony No. 1 In D Minor, Op. 13” (Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga ‎– Д-05246)] (‘The World Around Us’)
  • ? (“Thank you, Janet”)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (End credits) 

†According to viewing notes, taken from a release of Charlie Chaplin’s ‘In the Park’ (1915). This is probably from Brumberger, an 8mm distributor connected in some way to Astra TV; they released cartoons and Chaplin shorts under the “Whimseyland” label.

‡Also used in episode 6

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Episode 1: Whither Canada?

Episode 1: Whither Canada? (1969)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (Titles)
  • Eine Kleine Gigue in G Major, K. 574 (1789) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [perf. Artur Balsam, 1961 album “Mozart Piano Music Vol. 1” (L’Oiseau Lyre SOL.60021)] (‘It’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’)
  • **Cuando Calienta el Sol (1961) Rafael Gaston Perez [perf. Miguel-Lopez Cortezo] (Spanish guitarist in Italian class)
  • Tratalala Rhythm (c.1960s) [(BBC LP 21239)] (Genghis Khan)
  • Hallelujah! (from ‘Messiah’) (1741) George Frideric Handel [sped up, perf. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra cond. Sir Malcolm Sargent, 1959 album “Messiah Highlights” (Columbia 33 CX 1713)] (Whizzo Butter advert)
  • String Quartet No. 23, Mvt. IV (1790) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [perf. Weller Quartet, 1967 album “Mozart Quartets” (Decca SXL 6258)] (‘It’s the Arts’)
  • Symphony No. 4, Mvt. IV (1806) Ludwig Van Beethoven [perf. Berlin Philharmoniker cond. Herbert von Karajan, 1962 album “Symphony No. 4” (Deutsche Grammophon 138803)] (Arthur “Two Sheds” Jackson introduction)
  • Saturday Sports (1951) Wilfred Burns [perf. Bosworth Orchestra, 1951 album (Bosworth BC 1269)] (‘It’s the Arts’ closing)
  • Gong : One Stroke (c.1960s) [BBC sound effect] (Animated nude woman)
  • Baywood Villa (1968) Rob Barker [perf. Irvin's 89 Key Marenghi, 1968 album “All the Fun of the Fairground in Stereo” (Marble Arch Records MALS 854)] (Animated spinning head and dancing soldiers)
  • In The News (1951) Peter Yorke [perf. Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy cond. Captain Gijsbert Nieuwland, 1951 album (Chappell C.404)] (Scribbler’s house)
  • Symphony No. 3, Mvt. II “Funeral March” (1803) Ludwig Van Beethoven; arr. (c.1910s) Mayhew Lake [c.1958 album (Synchro FM 211)] (“Sombre music played on gramophone records”)
  • In The News (1951) Peter Yorke [perf. the Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy cond. Captain Gijsbert Nieuwland, 1951 album (Chappell C.404)] (“It was not long before the army became interested in the military potential of the killer joke. . .”)
  • Deutschlandlied (1797) Joseph Haydn (orig. ‘Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser’), lyr. (1841) August Heinrich Hoffman [1966 album “Hitler's Inferno (In Words, In Music 1932-1945) (Marching Songs Of Nazi Germany)” (Audio Rarities 2445-1)] (German radio broadcast)
  • Rule, Britannia! (1740) Thomas Arne; arr. Michael Retford [perf. Band of the Irish Guards cond. Captain C.H. Jaeger, 1965] (Tomb of the Unknown Joke)
  • The Liberty Bell (1893) John Philip Sousa [perf. Band of the Grenadier Guards cond. Rodney Bashford, 1967 album “Sousa Marches” (Decca PFS 4134)] (End credits)

Table of Contents

Flying Circus Series 1 (1969-70) 1. Whither Canada? 2. Sex and Violence 3. How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way ...